|23052021| Little blue whale calf surprise
|ENG| Today was a day of big animals and big emotions! The sea conditions were perfect for our whale and dolphins expedition. After our...

|21052021| Special day with two endangered baleen whales
|ENG| Today in the Day of Endangered Species, we saw two species of baleen whales, which are classified as endangered in the IUCN red...

|17052021| How high can it go?!
|ENG| Today we were lucky to see the biggest animal on earth! We saw an amazing blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)! The whale was super...

|13052021| Sperm whale postcard
|ENG| First day out with sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)! Today we went out to the south of Faial island and we spent the entire...

|04052021| Big blues!
|ENG| WOW! Today we had such a fantastic morning expedition! Early in the morning, the sun was shining and there was almost no wind. The...