|20210821| Brave sperm whale calf | Cria de cachalote corajosa
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210820| Sperm whales from the north | Cachalotes do norte
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210819pm| Teeth of the sperm whale | Dentes do cahalote
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210819am| A dip into the sperm whale's world | Um mergulho no mundo dos cachalotes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210818pm| Sperm whale birth! | Nascimento de um cachalote!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210818am| Day of resident species | Dia de espécies residentes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210817| Cool sighting of false killer whales | Mais um avistamento incrÃvel de falsas orcas
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including false killer whales...

|20210816pm| Sperm whales all the way | Cachalotes, os nossos fiéis amigos
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including bottlenose dolphins...

|20210816am| Dolphin hang-out in front of Pico | Golfinhos e a Montanha do Pico
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210815pm| Synchronized diving in perfection | Mergulho sincronizado
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...