|20220426| Our most well known specie, Sperm whale | A espécie mais conhecida dos Açores, Cachalote
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20220425pm| Sperm whale family | Familia de cachalotes, Azores
Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20220425| Male sperm whales in Faial | Cachalotes machos no Faial, Açores
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20220422| Blue whale with strong winds | Baleia azul e ventos fortes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...

|20220420| First risso's dolphins of the season | Os primeiros golfinhos de risso da temporada
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including risso's dolphins (Grampus...

|20220417| Fluking blue whale | Baleia azul a mostrar a cauda
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...

|20220416pm| Afternoon spend with the big ones! | Tarde passada com os grandes!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including blue whale (Balaenoptera...

|20220416| Sperm whales on sight | Cachalotes à vista!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...

|20220402| Humpback whale close to Faial | Baleia de bossa junto à costa do Faial
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...