|20240830| Day with the biggest toothed whale in the planet
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240829| A day with cetaceans between Faial and Pico
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240828| Faial with resident cetaceans around!
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240827| Amazing Sei Whales showing the mouth in North of Faial
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240825| Animals in the sea of Faial for our brave sailors
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240824| The amazing sperm whales
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240823| Resident and migratory dolphins in the South of Faial
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240822| Biodiversity vs Breaches
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240821| A day full of diversity in Faial
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240820| Sperm Whales in South of Pico and Faial
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...