|20241114| Sperm whales and False killer whales off the south coast of Pico
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20241113| Sperm whales and Common dolphins sighted between Horta and Varadouro along the coast of Faial
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...
Glossary | Glossário
B Breach |ENG| - When a whale jumps out of the water, exposing more than 40% of its body - |PT| - Expressão inglesa utilizada quando uma...

Sowerby's beaked whale | Baleia de bico Sowerby - Mesoplodon bidens
|ENG| Scientific Name: Mesoplodon bidens (Sowerby, 1804) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Sowerby's beaked whale. Baleine à bec de...

Northern bottlenose whale | Botinhoso - Hyperoodon ampullatus
|ENG| Scientific Name: Hyperoodon ampullatus (Forster, 1770) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Northern bottlenose whale. Hyperoodon...

Striped dolphin | Golfinho riscado - Stenella coeruleoalba
|ENG| Scientific Name: Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Striped dolphin. Dauphin bleu et blanc....

Fin whale | Baleia comum - Balaenoptera physalus
|ENG| Scientific Name: Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Fin whale. Rorqual commun. Baleia comum....

Humpback whale | Baleia de bossa - Megaptera novaeangliae
|ENG| Scientific Name: Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Humpback whale. Baleine à bosse. Baleia...

False killer whale | Falsa orca - Pseudorca crassidens
|ENG| Scientific Name: Pseudorca crassidens (Owen, 1846) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): False killer whale. Faux-orque. Falsa orca....

Blue whale | Baleia azul - Balaenoptera musculus
|ENG| Scientific Name: Balaenoptera musculus (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Blue whale. Rorqual bleu. Baleia azul....