|09-09-2019| Sperm whales North and South of the islands
In this day we went to see Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the North during the morning and in the South during the afternoon....

|07-09-2019 pm| Amazing Sperm whales behavior in the South of Pico island
In the afternoon, the group of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) that we had seen in the morning was still in the South of the island...

|5Set2019| Windy Sperm Whales and Dolphins in the Azores; Cachalotes e delfines en las Azores
It was in fact a East windy day, with plenty of splashes for everyone. The team with Captain Marco and Dr. Zé Nuno was ready and so the...

|04-09-2019| Sperm whales in a rough Atlantic ocean
This morning the lookouts could find some blows despite the Eastern wind. The trip was not easy but we wanted to show these amazing...

|02-09-2019 pm| Short-finned pilot whales and dolphins in the South
Swimming with dolphins activities are triki, you need to find the right species of dolphins in the right sea conditions. This afternoon...

|02-09-2019 am| BLUE WHALES and 3 more species of cetaceans
It was a great windy morning whale and dolphin watching off #Faial and Island in the Azores with Naturalist Science and Tourism. We...

|01-09-2019| Sperm whales and dolphins in the Azores
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were spotted and our boat went to observe them. We...

|31-08-2019 pm| Sperm whales and dolphins in the North of Faial and Pico, Azores
In this afternoon we returned to the Northern group of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). They were diving for squid We also saw...

|31-08-2019 am| Sperm whales, dolphins and squid
This morning we went towards the North of Pico in order to find a group of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). The whales were diving,...

|30-08-2019| Sperm whales and jumping dolphins in the Azores
In this day, our team went after a group of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) that the lookout found. Additionally, we saw a group of...