|17-5-2019| A Summer Day in May!
The Azores high set the stage for a special day with two trips whale watching north of Pico and Faial Island. Flat sea and clear sky. The...

|14-5-2019 am| Dolphins mating in front of Horta, Faial
The morning started with a period of "whale waiting". The lookouts were not finding blows, perhaps whales were too far from the...

|9-5-2019 am| Last minute call for a morning full of Sperm Whales and Bottlenose dolphins
Thursday morning started with little information from the lookouts. After more than half an hour we received exciting information:...

|7-5-2019 am| Lonely whale watchers' off Pico Island
Last Tuesday we took a window of opportunity between two stormy days to reach a group of Sperm Whales that the lookouts spotted for us....

|4-5-2019 am| Sperm Whales and Common Dolphins in a windy day in the Azores
Sperm whales can be challenging to watch under spring time windy days. Azorean amazing whale spotters know this and still they manage to...

|2-5-2019 am| Juvenile Sperm Whale practicing deep dives and Bottlenose dolphins off "Queimada"
This expedition took the Azores Naturalist Team to watch sperm whales south of Pico Island departing from Horta. Calm sea and a low cloud...

|1-5-2019 pm| Sperm Whales North and Blue Whales South of Faial!
The afternoon started by heading straight North to find a group of Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus). There is always time for a stop...

|1-5-2019 am| First Sei whales
It was our first record of Sei Whales (Balaenoptera borealis) this year, the third largest rorqual after the Blue and the Fin Whale,...

|30-4-2019 pm| Bottlenose dolphins by the coast. Relaxing afternoon
The afternoon expedition led us to a pod of 40-50 bottlenose dolphins that were particularly close to shore, over depths ranging from 40...

|30-04-2019 am| Splashy morning with Fin whale, Risso and Common Dolphins
The morning expedition lead us off shore towards a windy area for observing a transiting fin whale. The conditions were not easy so the...