|14-08-2019 am| Resting Sperm whales and Atlantic Spotted dolphins jumping
In this morning expedition we saw a group of 11-12 Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) divided in two subgroups. The whales were...

|13-08-2019 5 pm| Sperm whales in Faial
In the evening expedition we could enjoy wanderful encounters with Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). Some whales diving close to our...

|13-08-2019 2 pm| Sperm whales and dolphins in the Azores
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were still in the area and we went after them. Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) were there...

|13-08-2019 am| Sperm whales and Striped dolphins with Naturalist.pt
In this expedition to the ocean, the lookouts guided us towards a group of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) that was diving after...

|12-08-2019| Sperm whales and dolphins in the Azores whale watching
In this day we were lucky to track a pod of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) from the South of Faial, towards the South of Pico....

|09-08-2019 5pm| Sperm whales and spectacular Atlantic-spotted dolphins
Still in the South of Faial, as the other two expeditions of the day, this trip was a bit more special. Few minutes after leaving Horta,...

|09-08-2019 2pm| Sperm whales and Atlantic-spotted dolphins in the South of Faial
In this 2pm trip we saw the same pod of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) that we had seen in the morning. This pod has been here for...

|09-08-2019 9am| Sperm whales and 2 species of dolphins in the Azores
In this morning we went out guided by the lookouts of Faial and Pico islands to find Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). We saw 7...

Partnership with IMAR / University of the Azores
We have just renewed our partnership with the centre of marine research IMAR, within the University of the Azores. This makes sharing...

|09-08-2019| Tour Aventura no Faial Açores
Fizemos hoje um tour de meio dia na Ilha do Faial. Guiados pelo Biólogo Pedro Cerqueira, a expedição foi à descoberta dos mais de vinte...