|1-5-2019 pm| Sperm Whales North and Blue Whales South of Faial!
The afternoon started by heading straight North to find a group of Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus). There is always time for a stop...

|1-5-2019 am| First Sei whales
It was our first record of Sei Whales (Balaenoptera borealis) this year, the third largest rorqual after the Blue and the Fin Whale,...

|30-4-2019 pm| Bottlenose dolphins by the coast. Relaxing afternoon
The afternoon expedition led us to a pod of 40-50 bottlenose dolphins that were particularly close to shore, over depths ranging from 40...

|30-04-2019 am| Splashy morning with Fin whale, Risso and Common Dolphins
The morning expedition lead us off shore towards a windy area for observing a transiting fin whale. The conditions were not easy so the...

Blue whales crossing Faial-Pico channel |29-04-2019|
Two blues across the channel. It is uncommon to see large whales crossing between the 4nm wide channel separating Faial and Pico Islands....