|13092020| A morning with 5 different species!
|ENG| Again to the north! But today we were closer to #SãoJorgeisland and #Picoisland . Today our first sighting was a big sei whale...

|01092020| Manta ray surprise
|ENG| A sunny afternoon and a calm sea waiting for us! Soon after living the harbour in #Faialisland we spot 2 or 3 bottlenose dolphins...

|21082020am| Close encounter with pilot whales
|ENG| The first day that we could go out after a few days of bad weather! So good it feels to be in the water again :) After our spotter...

|01082020| New month, new adventures!
|ENG| Definitely, a wonderful way to start this new month! Weekend with a sunny day and off we go to a new adventure. When we arrived in...