|20220817pm| The spotted and the sei whale | Os pintados e a sardinheira
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...
|20220816| Spotted dolphins the hyperactive species | Golfinhos pintados, a espécie mais hiperativa
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whale (Physeter...
|20220815pm| An odontoceti whale and mysticeti whale
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whale (Physeter...
|20220815| Flying spotted dolphin | Gofinho pintado voador
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whale (Physeter...
|20220811pm2| Sperm whales and sei whale | Cachalotes e baleia sardinheira
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whale (Physeter...
|20220809| One of the best mornings of the season | Uma das melhores manhãs da temporada
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...
|20220808pm2| Feeding frenzy with 3 sei whales | 3 baleias sardinheiras em alimentação
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...
|20220808pm| Incredible sei whale! | IncrÃvel baleia sardinheira
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...
|20220808| Risso's dolphins jumping | Golfinhos de risso a saltar
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...
|20220806pm2| Sunset full of wildlife | Pôr do sol cheio de vida marinha
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...