|20220605| Common dolphins and their calves | Golfinhos comuns e as suas crias
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...
|20220601pm| Tiny bottlenose dolphin calf spotted! | Avistado uma cria pequena de golfinho roaz!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whale (Physeter...
|20220524pm| Fast striped dolphins | Golfinhos riscados velozes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...
|20220524am| Humpback whale and common dolphins | Baleia de bossa e golfinhos comuns
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including humpback whale (Megaptera...
|20220522pm| Young male sperm whale | Cachalote macho juvenil
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...
|20220513| One more day with sperm whales | Mais um dia com cachalotes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...
|20220510am| Lovely dolphins and sei whales | Golfinhos amigáveis e baleias sardinheiras
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whales (Balaenoptera...
|20220508am| Fin whale feeding in the Azores | Baleia comum em alimentação nos Açores
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including risso's dolphins (Grampus...
|20220506| Dolphin fever | Um dia cheio de diferentes espécies de golfinhos
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including common dolphins (Delphinus...
|20220425pm| Sperm whale family | Familia de cachalotes, Azores
Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...