|20210805| Resident species today | Dia das espécies residentes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...
|20210723am| The famous sperm whale Nike | O famoso cachalote Nike
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...
|18062021| Sperm whale and Pico island postcard | Postal de Cachalote e Ilha do Pico
|ENG| Today was another typical day in the Azores! We start our morning expedition by seeing a group of common dolphins (Delphinus...
|10062021| Our local stars | As nossas estrelas locais: golfinhos e baleias nos Açores!
|ENG| Another day, another adventure! Today we saw two species that very common to see in the Azores. Can you guess which species are? If...
|05062021am| Whales and dolphins with a Vulcano in the background
|ENG| In today's morning expedition, we went all the way to Capelinhos Vulcano! Perfect background for our sightings. Our first sighting...
|29052021| Massive pod of common dolphins
|ENG| Today at sea we had the perfect conditions, the sea was completely flat. The only thing missing was the sun! On our way to see a...
|21052021| Special day with two endangered baleen whales
|ENG| Today in the Day of Endangered Species, we saw two species of baleen whales, which are classified as endangered in the IUCN red...
|17052021| How high can it go?!
|ENG| Today we were lucky to see the biggest animal on earth! We saw an amazing blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)! The whale was super...
|26042021| It was a dolphins morning
|ENG| After a few days of bad weather due to Lola depression the sea calmed down and we were able to go out! Despite our spotters were...
|26032021| Entering 2021 with the second biggest baleen whale
|ENG| It's that time of the year again! The time we were all waiting for, the whale season! First 2021 sea expedition and we couldn't ask...