|20220811| Mom and calf sperm whales | Mãe e cria de cachalotes
|20220810pm| Spotted and common dolphins, the friendliest species
|20220804| Beautiful morning with 3 species! | Manhã incrível com 3 espécies
|20220803| Sei whale and spotted dolphins | Baleia sardinheira e golfinhos pintados
|20220731| Flat sea and the amazing spotted dolphins | Mar calmo e os incríveis golfinhos pintados
|20220728pm| Confident false killer whales | Falsas orcas confiantes
|20220727| Morning with the biggest toothed whale | Uma manhã com a maior baleia de dentes
|20220726| Morning with 4 different species! | Manhã com 4 espécies diferentes
|20220725pm| An afternoon spent with sperm whale and spotted dolphins
|20220724| Seeing the cool risso's dolphins | Avistamento dos golfinhos de risso