|05062021am| Whales and dolphins with a Vulcano in the background
|ENG| In today's morning expedition, we went all the way to Capelinhos Vulcano! Perfect background for our sightings. Our first sighting...
|03062021pm| Moby dick and flipper
|ENG| Another adventure in the Ocean Atlantic! In today's trip, we got to see two species that are very common in the Azorean waters. Can...
|23052021| Little blue whale calf surprise
|ENG| Today was a day of big animals and big emotions! The sea conditions were perfect for our whale and dolphins expedition. After our...
|29042021| The whales are back!
|ENG| After a few days without any whales, they are back! Today was an amazing morning, we had sun and not much wind. Perfect to go out...
|16102020| Whale shark followed by a group of chunky bottlenose dolphins
|ENG| Today was another lucky day, where we could see the biggest fish ever, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus). This last month has been...
|10102020| The comeback of the false killer whales
|ENG| The season is ending and all the team is enjoying every second! Our experienced spotter, Antero, which is on the south of...
|06102020| Sperm whales are back
|ENG| Besides the autumn had already arrived, the good weather is staying! After a few days not seeing sperm whales (Physeter...
|22092020| Our first fin whale of the season
|ENG| Ready for another adventure?! Today we went to see the animals in the south of #PicoIsland. Our first sighting was a group of...
|13092020| A morning with 5 different species!
|ENG| Again to the north! But today we were closer to #SãoJorgeisland and #Picoisland . Today our first sighting was a big sei whale...
|04092020| Pico island protection
|ENG| Windy but not too windy! We had some wind crossing the canal between #Faialisland and #Picoisland but when we arrive close to the...