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Baleias e Golfinhos de Portugal, Açores
Whales and Dolphins from Portugal
|20241114| Sperm whales and False killer whales off the south coast of Pico
|20241113| Sperm whales and Common dolphins sighted between Horta and Varadouro along the coast of Faial
Glossary | Glossário
Sowerby's beaked whale | Baleia de bico Sowerby - Mesoplodon bidens
Northern bottlenose whale | Botinhoso - Hyperoodon ampullatus
Striped dolphin | Golfinho riscado - Stenella coeruleoalba
Fin whale | Baleia comum - Balaenoptera physalus
Humpback whale | Baleia de bossa - Megaptera novaeangliae
False killer whale | Falsa orca - Pseudorca crassidens
Blue whale | Baleia azul - Balaenoptera musculus
Pilot whale | Baleia piloto - Globicephala sp.
Sei whale | Baleia sardinheira - Balaenoptera borealis
Atlantic Spotted dolphin | Golfinho pintado do Atlântico – Stenella frontalis
Bottlenose dolphin | Golfinho roaz – Tursiops truncatus
Risso's dolphin | Moleiro - Grampus griseus
Common dolphin | Golfinho comum - Delphinus delphis
Killer Whale | Orca - Orcinus orca
Sperm Whale | Cachalote - Physeter macrocephalus
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