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|02-07-2019| Foggy challenge accepted!

Finding and tracking whales and dolphins on foggy and shoppy days increases the challenge, and the pleasure of observation!

This day we went north of Faial, off Cedros, with the Whales spotter "Vigia Martins". The camera lens was also wet so the scenario is depicted more dramatically on this post. The whale pod had 5 to 6 females and fluke cataloguing is on the way.

A pod of Bottlenose dolphins was sighted close to shore further west towards the Capelinhos Volcano so the naturalist team and all naturalists onboard decided to head towards them and so we did. It was a small pod, or a sub-group of a larger pod that we did not sight. They were transiting west, jumping out of the water on several occasions. But as you may know, taking photographs of dolphins is quite hard, particularly out of the water!

As this Corys' shearwater below, the clock said it was time to make a u turn on our adventure, and we started heading back.

The Azores Whale and Dolphin Watching experience as endind, so we transit ver close to the coast and the north harsh and small harbours of Cedros and Salão. On the cliffs we observed the different lava slabs on top of each other on a formation we call "lasanha".

A great crew enjoying the coastal view.


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