|02-08-2019 am| Whale Watching Sperm whales with calves and snorkeling in the Azores
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), a resident species in the Azores, where around the island of Pico. The pod was composed by females and young individuals. The expedition was incredible with amazing sighthings on these big giants and on the fantastic seabirds, the Cory's Shearwaters!
We identified the group using photo-id images after some of the whales made deep dives showing their fluke.
As the spotter had no dolphins a #snorkel in the wild and transparent waters in the north coast of Faial, gave the trip a special taste!
Thank you for joining us in this special expedition and enjoy the pictures that our researcher and biologist Dr. José Nuno took during the trip.

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Thank you José, it was a great day with lots of good memories and valuable info