|03-07-2019 pm| New Bedford Whaling Roawing and Sailing Team and 11 Sperm whales in the Azores

This was a special trip as we had the opportunity show the Azorean Sperm Whales to the roawing and sailing team of Whaling boats from New Bedford.
The sailors were here for a Regata with the Azorean teams on the next days, so there we went.
After heading to a pod that kept moving further NW from Faial, the boat diverged south, as a large pod of Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) was found. Whales are sometimes on areas too far, or where the sun or wind create poor visibility for the spotter, so in this case they moved to an area of better visibility, and the young Biologist Torrão, the Vigia from Monte da Guia called Captain Marco onboard Bicho do Mar. It was a great finding as they were quite close toFaial the and Pico.
the , as they were quite close to Faial and Pico.) was found. Whales are sometimes on areas too far, or where the sun or wind create poor visibility for the spotter, so in this case they moved to an area of better visibility, and the young Biologist Torrão, the Vigia from Monte da Guia called Captain Marco onboard Bicho do Mar. It was a great finding the , as they were quite close to Faial and Pico.

The animals were deep diving for squid and relatively close to the coast.

After each dive, they were spending ca. 10 minutes at the surface to recover oxygen levels, and this was the time we had to enjoy their presence and collect images for identification.

An adult female was breastfeeding a calf

And after a few minutes, the adult female dived (on the left in the image below).

More whales were in the South of Faial, just south of Monte da Guia, fluking.

It was such a great adventure! We visited the caves south of Faial, and as you ca see, both USA teams had a great time.

We are all part of the same culture, so thank you for choosing the team of the Azores Naturalist - Science and Tourism.
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