|04-07-2019| Socializing Sperm whales and friendly Atlantic-spotted dolphins
Today we found a pod of 6 to 7 Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). The animals were not feeding but socializing.

Some animals were alone but at the end, several animals came together, so at least 5 animals were at the South of Pico island.

There was a juvenile that joined one of the females at the surface.

After watching the largest animals on the planet with teeth, we headed to a big pod of over 50 Atlantic-spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), also in the South.

The group had several calfs and juveniles.

Some animals jumped next to our boat

This was a great morning, with a perfect sun and flat sea. Like everything that is good, passes quick, so hopefully these images allow to keep the memory for long!
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