|12-06-2019| Resident Sperm whales and Common dolphins (am. and pm. Expedition Tours)
The day started a bit windy, se we needed all our effort and the help of the lookouts to find the whales. Thanks to the many eyes looking at the surface, a few blows were found: Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus).

In our morning expedition we saw 6 female Sperm whales, all in a fforaging behavior, performing deep dives.

Some where diving in pairs, and even surfacing together.

In the afternoon expedition the wind had increased so finding animals was even more difficult, but after a long period of searching we did it.

We visited the same group of Sperm whales. The females and a juvenile were still diving.

And we found a pair of whales too.

Despite the rough sea, we could manage to take some pictures of the flukes for photo identification.

Once all the animals in the area dived, we moved towards Monte da Guia to try to find some dolphins. We found a pod of 4 Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), but on an evasive behavior. We didn't spend much time with them and we went back to Horta's harbor for a welcome back drink and to review the imagery collected! Thank you to all that participated in such another great journey adventure in the Azores!
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