|13052021| Sperm whale postcard
First day out with sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)!
Today we went out to the south of Faial island and we spent the entire trip seeing Morro Castelo Branco and the Capelinhos vulcano.
At first, it was a bit difficult to see the animals, but after a few minutes there was a breach!
It was a group of 5 adults and one calf. Throughout the entire sighting, they maintain calm at the surface and did shallow dives
At one point we could see the calf nursing!
After seeing them for more than 1 hour they start to deep dive. The biggest animal dove first then the other ones followed. When the last ones were getting ready to dive, a juvenile sperm whale that was more further away did 3 jumps!
We end our trip with the juvenile deep diving with Monte Guia on the back, a perfect photo for a postcard!
The team was happy because we got the tails of all of them!
If you want to know more about this species have a look at our sperm whale fact sheet.
Now it was time to see all the photos taken during our expedition and compare with the other photos of sperm whales to see if we have any match.
Thank you for joining Naturalist research team! Share the photos from our expedition.
See you soon!
Primeira expedição com os nossos redisentes cachalotes (Physeter macrocephalus)!
A expedição de hoje foi no sul do Faial, onde passámos a maior parte do tempo a ver o Morro de Castelo Branco e o vulcão dos Capelinhos.
Avistámos um grupo de 5 adultos e um cria. Durante o avistamento mantiveram-se calmos à superficíe e faziam mergulhos pouco profundos. A uma determinada altura conseguimos ver uma cria a amamentar.
Depois de os vermos durante mais de 1 hora, o cachalote maior foi o primeiro a mergulhar e depois os restantes seguiram-no. Já quando os últimos cachalotes estavam a mergulhar, um cachalote mais longe saltou 3 vezes!
Terminámos a nossa expedição com o cachalote a fazer um mergulho profundo, com o Monte da Guia como fundo, a perfeita fotografia para um postal!
Se quiser saber mais sobre esta espécie visite o seguinte link.
Muito obrigada por se terem juntado à equipa!
Até breve!
Sperm whale | Cachalote

Sperm whale with a calf | Cachalote com uma cria
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