|15-08-2019| Magnific Pico Full Day Tour
For Special People, there is always a special place with us in the Azores!
It was a very "volcanic" day in Pico Island for a group of "happy shining people".
guided by our Biologist Pedro Cerqueira.

#naturalistpt #atlanticnaturalist #azoresnaturalist #azores #whalewatchingazores #birdwatching #dolphingwatching #dolphinazores #faialtour #faialwhalewatching #Pico #Picowhalewatching #azoren #acores #portugal #bluewhale #spermwhale #finwhale #baleenwhale #pilotwhale #beakedwhale #commondolphin #stripeddolphin #spotteddolphin #rissodolphin #bottlenose #portuguesemanowar #seaturtle #loggerheardseaturtle #biology #biologistguides #certifiednatureparkguides #besttour #jeeptour #islandtour #vantour #exclusivetours #privatetour #boattour #marine #wildlife #photography #conservation #scienceandtourism #conservationtour #whaleconservationazores #baleias #baleiasfaial #baleiaspico #baleiasacores #conservacao #turismoresponsavel #responsibletourism #responsiblewhalewatching #saveourplanet #ocean
Dettagli del Messaggio:
Name: Sonja
Subject: 15.08.2019
Message: With many thanks to Pedro, he made it a very special day!! The “pizza” connection 🤣