|19-06-2019 pm| Azorean residents: Sperm whales and dolphins
It was a unexpected sunny afternoon. The sighting started with a pod of females Sperm whales (Physeter mactocephalus) in the South of the island of Faial.

The 5 females observed were part of the to the same pod we have been observe in the last weeks. The animals kept the diving behaviour, that is mainly made to prey deep cephalopods species (octopus and squids).

Each animal can be identified trough it's fluke (tail) morphology, the pictures and then analysed by our researchers and the cetaceans group from the University of the Azores!

After sperm whales observation, we seek, always with the support of the spotters in land, for dolphins. We found a large pod of the resident Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) mixed with the seasonal resident Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba).

Common dolphins usually react positively to boats and can display considerable surface activity.

The dolphins approached our boat and bow ride. Below an image with Capelinhos volcano on the Background.

More sperm whales came to the surface. We moved again to their observation.

Another fantastic day at the Azores!
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