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|20220601pm| Tiny bottlenose dolphin calf spotted! | Avistado uma cria pequena de golfinho roaz!


Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).

Today we had such a great morning tour!

There were sperm whales everywhere! Every time we looked to a different area we saw a blow.

Also, we spot groups of common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins.

Know more about these species on our blog.

Download the photographs of your expedition

Thank you for joining the Naturalist research team! We hope you remember this expedition with ocean gratitude and reduce your plastic consumption.

Please support our projects with a review and share your activity!



Grande expedição hoje! Graças a vós conseguimos recolher dados para os nossos programas de monitorização ambiental, incluindo cachalotes (Physeter macrocephalus), golfinhos comuns (Delphinus delphis) e golfinhos roazes (Tursiops truncatus).

Tivémos uma manhã incrível! Para cada lado que olhávamos avistávamos logo um cachalote!

Avistámos também grupos de golfinhos comuns e golfinhos roazes.

Saiba mais sobre estas espécies no nosso blog.

Descarregue abaixo, as fotografias da sua expedição

Thank you for joining the Naturalist research team! We hope you remember this expedition with ocean gratitude and reduce your plastic consumption.

Please support our projects with a review and share your activity!

Sperm whale | Cachalote

Common dolphins | Golfinhos comuns


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