|20230425| Blue morning!
What an amazing trip! Thank you for supporting our research and helping us collect data on blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and common dolphins (Delphinus delphis).
In the morning, we set course to the north of Faial to find common dolphins until we heard great news! A blue whale was spotted in the south of Pico. We immediately traveled in that direction and there it was! The biggest animal on the planet! A mother and a calf spotted together! What a sight! As we made our way back, we saw a loggerhead turtle and brought it to the boat to collect data on its size, geographic position, and specie. Before we arrive, a surprise! A sunfish (Mola mola) was passing by near the surface!
In the afternoon, we saw a pod of common dolphins, a lot of Cory’s Shearwaters (Calonectris borealis), and Portuguese Man O’War (Physalia physalis) slowly floating at the surface.