|23-05-2019 am| Male Sperm whale and Common dolphins
The first animals that we saw were Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and a few Cory's Shearwaters (Calonectris borealis).
This interaction between these two species is often because the Shearwaters take advantage of the dolphins' hunting techniques to catch some fish for themselves.
The pod of dolphins was swimming fast as they were hunting.
We spent little time there to not disturb them and we continued to the South, where a Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) was found. Not without admiring the wonderful view of Pico with dolphins in its front.
When we reached the area we found a male Sperm whale shallow diving. It was a difficult sighting due to the big swell and the behavior of the animal.
The animal kept going down for about 10 minuets each time. After 4 shallow dives, it dived deep showing its huge fluke, although no time to collect the camera (no photography was taken). As we know that it could take more than an hour for it to come to the surface again, we went back to Horta.
The feeling was amazing, that tail was a gift for all naturalists onboard!
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