|27-06-2019| Sperm whales in the Azores
It seems that wh#naturalistpt #atlanticnaturalist #azoresnaturalist #azores #whalewatchingazores #birdwatching #dolphingwatching #dolphinazores #faialtour #faialwhalewatching #Pico #Picowhalewatching #azoren #acores #portugal #bluewhale #spermwhale #finwhale #baleenwhale #pilotwhale #beakedwhale #commondolphin #stripeddolphin #spotteddolphin #rissodolphin #bottlenose #portuguesemanowar #seaturtle #loggerheardseaturtle #biology #biologistguides #certifiednatureparkguides #besttour #jeeptour #islandtour #vantour #exclusivetours #privatetour #boattour #marine #wildlife #photography #conservation #scienceandtourism #conservationtour #whaleconservationazores #baleias #baleiasfaial #baleiaspico #baleiasacores #conservacao #turismoresponsavel #responsibletourism #responsiblewhalewatching #saveourplanet #ocean ales like the South of the triangle islands of the Azores archipelago. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were spotted towards South.

The animals were diving and showing the fluke.

We found a female with a young whale.

We could see the whales from almos all the angles. One of them came towards us.

Despite probably being part of the same pod, some animals were alone and others were in pairs.

And some others were found with Cory's Shearwaters (Calonectris borealis).

Also Portuguese man o'war (Physalia physalis) were at the surface at the site.

Everyone enjoyed the expedition (despite its refreshing Atlantic showers) and the Naturalist team could take some data. It was a success.
