Contingency Measures (UK) - Naturalist, Science & Tourism
We want you to focus on your nature adventure, enjoying your accommodation, during your vacations, thinking only about the best pleasures in life.
Therefore we established a rigid internal protocol and formed our staff on disinfection routines based on international standards. Here we share a simplified version, so that you can just smile and let yourself stay a little bit longer. We await for you, Clean and Safe.
Care to our customers
0 symptoms.
Sanitizing solutions for hands and shoes.
Facial mask mandatory on expedition tours
Temperature check may be required on non-private tours
Total reimbursement in case of cancellation due to symptoms of any kind, including other passengers from the same reservation.
Care of the Staff
0 symptoms.
Facial mask, gloves and regular hand sanitizing
Bi-diary monitoring and recording of symptoms.
Care in the shop
Limited number of people inside & extended outside area
Constant Cleaning, Sanitizing and Air running
Sanitizing before and after each client
Sanitizing before and after each tour
Briefings Outside
Care in our boat and vehicles
Reduction to 2/3
Social distancing between passengers
Before and after Client or Luggage Transfer or Tour:
Alcool 70% cleaning of all contact surfaces, car handles, seats, tablier, seat-belt, carpets and boat handles.
Cleaning of vehicle and boat followed by 30 minutos drying.
Sanitizing with alcool 70% crew before and after each passenger entry.
Care with our equipment
Washing and disinfection with Ozone and Alcool 70% of life-jackets, waterproof jackets and Walking sticks
Each equipment is use only 1 per day
In the Accommodations
Accommodation staff wears masks and gloves, having daily symptom checks registered.
1 Day Interval Between Guests
Cleaning with higher care than normal periods, favoring two periods of intervention spaced and adequate protection according to internal protocol.
Disinfection with sanitizing products, followed by alcohol or bleach in particular: door handles, bedside table, light switches, bathroom and window handles.
Bed and linen removal following specific protocols. Washing all linen, including staff clothing, with high temperatures above 60ºC.